Traveler speakes.

Traveler speakes 

Omg!! They are teerrrorist!!! Bhai they are....shit man we are in trouble....hey bhaiya they are evidence wala...terrorist right???...reacted my 2 mins 'hey bro' friend who looked more like a young Punjabi less like Andhra. We were just getting to know each other in the usual way we used to start knowing a stranger until this chained men showed up in our coach with a number of securities giving them company which made my almost friend freaked out and changed his seat. Sunny seems to be his name. 
I didn't react much but soon after a family shifted to our boggy seeing them panic I almost lost my composure and started to think of things which might happen. They looked like any other Mussulman man but with their hand ornaments(chains) they somehow looked horrifying. Like all Muslims are stereotyped to be terrorists or suicide bombers it wasn't difficult for the civilians around me to call them 'adangvatis' and were giving their own best assumptions about the situation. 
                  When the chained men entered I heard one of them laughing over something which i have no idea what it was. They had their bags with them like any other traveler. Soon the lawyer inside of me got inspired or maybe nearly started the inquiry engine which all lawyers are deemed to have. But I found no information about them. Assumptions seemed to be the better or in fact, the best option. ''Omg!! What a first journey to South India experience" said my confused mind. I was scared as well as excited to have seen a convicted person face to face. The excitement of seeing a real terrorist so close intrigued me keeping aside the fact whether they were terrorist or any other convict. But it was agreed in unison by all who were on board that it was their looks with beard like any other terrorist they show in television or newspaper that was more convincing. This is how stereo typing by medias have affected the minds of Indians. Without really trying to figure out who and what it is, we have made ourselves comfortable with plunging into conclusions to judge or comment on certain people or certain situations depending on the already acquired mis-informations. So many social and cultural dirt we have stained ourselves with which have no logical reasons or which are simply stupidly argued.


  1. Totally agree with directly jumping to conclusion rather than analyzing the situation. Experiences varies and your's is unique

    1. It is time to speak, act and live like a proper educated individual rather than passing on stereotypings of people, things or situations.


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