They say learning is a lifelong process and we might say lets wait till tomorrow or maybe next time (which is an old time favourite line for us) we will learn but I believe we are just compromising with ourselves or in fact at best lying to ourselves. We seem to overwhelmingly underestimate the word learning, unfortunately. Lets move on from where we are now because the best way is learning at the right time. Though we have a lifetime to learn anything but I am afraid we do not have "the right time" for a lifetime. We are blessed today with a number of means to learning anything be it through the wildly growing internet, books, institutions of different kinds of available courses(I recently learned that there is a institution in US that offers 6 months duration course on Selfie), Youtube is another avenue where you can learn on almost anything on your own, etc. Just to name a few. There are more. Perhaps with the advent of smart phones, the old habit of reading hardcover books are changing gradually with a number of ebooks available like on Google Play books, Kindle, Calibre, etc. I treat creativity as doing something we like and learning the ins and outs of that thing until we are on our own riding upon it. I can say learning and creativity are two aspects of one thing. So let us learn the right thing at the right time when we have the slightest of opportunity. Procrastination has had enough of fooling around with us making us so laid back in everything murdering our creativity. Learn anything, it is an art. Be a Jack of all trades and a master of few. No one can stop you. And a little caution here or a proviso in legal terms, let learning be a constructive learning, if not to society, at least to yourself.
Toshi O Lkr.
24th April, 2015.
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