The story of another Elijah

And that was the story of the day:)
Our dear Elijah.
So while I was thinking that I am messed up and life couldn't get harder than this I listened to the story of this little boy who's our helper and once again I realise how stupid, childish and ungrateful I've been. Whining over things that aren't important not realising that at the age of 10 somewhere out there there's a kid who's mom ran away with another man leaving him behind. Him being the youngest. And he tells me about everything that happened over the past years. About how his mom and the other man was caught and got bashed up in public and how he's father got remarried and now he has a half sis whom he loves very much smile emoticon but the part about his mom leaving the family for another man is so sad frown emoticon and I really feel for him because I like him a lot. He's always so cheerful and happy and really cares for me. He also studies really hard and we all make fun of him all the time but he would end up laughing and enjoying the joke more than us! He's just very sweet ^^ and I am blessed once again smile emoticon
Contributed by
Imlinaro Imchen a student currently preparing for MBBS exam.


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