Your story is who you are!!!

Who you are!!!

Everybody dreams of dream they want to live in. Based on that dream we build our world and in fact work to become the protagonist of that world. You may be an engineer who builds anything, a doctor who saves millions of lives, a singer who touches so many lives with your voice, a writer who have sold millions of copies, a fire fighter who have dedicated your live for the service of mankind, etc. etc. But in the midst of all that we are more than what we achieve and do. We all have a thing in common and which many of us seem to value less and that thing is we are all story tellers. We are telling a story of ourselves every moment of our lives. We are telling this unique story by way of living and how we are living. My question is how are we telling our story? Is our story a good story or a bad one? Our next neighbor is witnessing our story and is being affected in different ways. Our next neighbor could be our siblings, a friend, parents, a stranger or anyone with whom we come into contact with. It depends on us and no one else how our story is going to be. Every moment of our lives is a result of the choices we make. There is no right or wrong choices. There are only good or bad choices. Tell your story in a way that will touch other’s story and elevate their life just by knowing your story.  Your story is ultimately who you are.   

Toshiwapang O Longkumer


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